The Q-You Awards are open to all team members working within the portfolio.
Whilst there is no hard and fast rule about how many nominations to make across each team, it is hoped that:
- General Managers (along with their Heads of Department) and Central Senior Managers wishing to nominate hotel team members, make the time and commitment to identify people to nominate from across a range of the categories.
- Whilst there is no limit as to how many nominations a manager might wish to make from the same team, all we would say is, make them count. Write well with lots of information.
Nominations must be made by either:
- The General Manager
- or a Head of Department (in agreement with the General Manager)
- or a Central Senior Manager wishing to nominate a hotel team member
However, we strongly recommend that these “Nominators” engage with their teams about this major event, allowing them to give feedback and make recommendations as to who is worthy of a nomination.
The nomination form for each award category is embedded in each of the Category links. Once completed, the submission will be sent directly to the Q-You Awards inbox.
We had a struggle with pictures arriving at the same time as the nomination form last year. So, just the nomination form for now. For those who are shortlisted and invited to attend, we WILL NEED a great photo of them for the presentation montage. Our preference is for an action shot in their work environment rather than any sort of staged effort with a forced grin. Photo files no larger than 1MB and 800 x 600 pixels or smaller.
The deadline for nominations is Sunday 16 February, although forms can be accepted at any time before then.
All submissions will be shortlisted in early March by the judging panel and shortlisted candidates will then be invited with their General Managers to attend the awards ceremony on Wednesday 16 April at Chesford Grange.